Today went by in a blur (probably because I was super out of it all day). Got up at 6 AM (late rising again), got ready, and actually ended up just missing the 6:30 bus. I'll admit it, I was a little mad. So, Christina and I ended up being about 20 minutes late to class (which was right when the lecture was starting. #goodtiming).
Nothing too exciting happened in class, except today was one of those days where my brain was like, "Nope. This Spanish thing? Totally not happening today." So class was good, but a little rough just because my tired brain had had enough.
After class, Christina, Raquel, Claire, and I road the same bus home (though they got off at a different stop than us). I believe we got home about 12:30ish? Somewhere around there. So, we went in and put our stuff down...random interruption: today was cleaning day! And our maid is awesome. Cause she can do cool things with towels. Like this:
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The baby elephant - found on my bed. |
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The mama elephant - found on Christina's bed. |
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I could totally see this being a meme sometime (called it! As soon as I think of a good meme, I'm totally posting it to Facebook). |
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That look on that cat's face. #classic #needsameme |
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Food time! #mammacat |
After that, we returned to our rooms. And somehow (cause I don't quite remember when), I zonked. Lunch time rolled round, and I guess Elisa knocked on the door several times to let me know it was time to eat, but I was out (I didn't even hear anything). Finally, about 3 PM I woke up (just as Christina was leaving for the Museo de Art Popular). So, I just told her to go, and then I went and had me some lunch! (it was yummy)
Following lunch, I returned to my room (slightly bummed I wasn't going to the temple - which is what everyone was doing after the museum. But I wasn't brave enough to traverse the bus system alone, cause I knew I'd get lost). and was in the middle of turning on a show when I hear someone come to the door. It was Whitney! And I guess they were there to pick up Christina (I guess there was some miscommunication or something), but she'd already left. Sooo, they offered me a ride! So I quickly got dressed in my Sunday best, put my temple clothes in my backpack, grabbed my recommend, and hurried out the door. (I think that was God telling me that, yes, I really did need to go to the temple today).
So, Whitney's MM dropped us off at the Museum. And, I'm glad that we went! (It was just a small group of us). It was a cute little museum. Unfortunately, Christina, Whitney, and I had to leave early so that we could get to the temple session on time. But I got some of this picture!
So, we decided to get a taxi. And, kudos to Whitney cause she has this taxi thing down. She asked if they had an odometer, but was told that they didn't and would just charge the price of 70 pesos (I should note, the temple was not that far away from where we were). So she was like, well, we can always walk. So they talked some more and we got a taxi for 40 pesos. Cha-ching! #success
And, serrundepitously, we arrove at the temple the same time as the rest of our group! I wanted to do baptisms, but was unable to for some reason, anyway, so I ended up doing initiatories (I have never done so many at a time before!) It was an awesome experience. I loved it.
After that, Raquel, Becca, Christina, and I went to the centro to buy some food for the trip tomorrow (it's gonna be 8 hours in the bus. Yee-haw!). We split up at one point to get ice cream from different places. During that time, Raquel and I (more like Raquel) spotted a panaderia (we'd been in one a few minutes ago and hadn't been impressed, therefore, we didn't buy anything. There's just something unappetizing about bread and sweets left out in the open) that was super legit. So I got a chocolate muffin and salty bread (I can't remember the exact name of it).
After that, we stopped by 7/11 and I got a sprite and some water for the road tomorrow. And some sweets :) Then I got some ice cream from Colon (again. I think I'm addicted).
After that, we headed home! And had french toast for dinner (they fry it in oil here. It was pretty good. Not my favorite, but then again, I don't like fried bread). Then I had a shower, got ready for bed, and wrote my blog for today (obvs, seeing as you're reading that blog right now).
But now I must head to bed, cause we got a long day tomorrow! (So I probably won't be posting tomorrow's adventure until Saturday).
'Til then!
R J Carr
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