Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Kitten Day

This morning started out all right.  Got up on time (for once) and even had time to eat breakfast before catching the bus.  Class was okay.  The first one was cancelled (at least, the lecture was) because the teacher didn't show.  So we did a form of evaluation for class.  Next class went pretty well too.  And we didn't even have homework!!!  #yes

After class, Raquel, Christina, and I went swimming at Raquel's house.  Funny story -- so we were walking to the bus stop when a car honks at us and pulls up to the curb.  So tired of cars honking at us (it happens a lot.  They like to try to flirt with us white girls), I just kept on walking.  It took me a moment to realize that it was profe offering us a ride.

Anyway, after swimming, we came back and had us some lunch (leftovers).  Which I followed with a nap.  I woke up about 6 PM (I think).  Christina went to the service project, but I stayed home and played with kittens (and sang hymns).

Shortly afterwards, I had dinner (and cake and ice cream to follow).  Now I'm watching Once Upon a Time and then I shall be heading to bed.

Random last note:  We're going to Isla de Mujeres on Friday!!!  Yeee-haw!  Gonna swim with sharks!

'Til Tomorrow.

R J Carr

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