Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy Fourth of July!

Today was a chill day, which was nice.  Especially after yesterday's long day.  Got up at 11 PM ish?  (SO nice).  I got up and dressed (after watching my new Sailor Moon Crystal Episode.  Can I just say, I love Crunchyroll).  Then I headed to the bank and took out some money (I actually went by myself today, it was exhilarating.  Though a ten minute walk isn't that scary, I guess).  Here's a picture :) 

When I got back, I watched me some Dr. Who, then did a little bit of homework.  Then we had some lunch with the family.  (It was yummy):

But I just realized I never got a picture of the food, so I hope you enjoy the picture of the table instead :P  *Ahem*

After lunch, I took a nap.  Then we headed out to Raquel's house for swimming.  And GUESS WHAT.  I learned how to float on my back (Thanks to Christina).

After swimming, I went to Miches with our whole group.  On my way there, we saw this cute little kitten!  I wanted to adopt it then and there.  But I don't think they allow pets over the border...but it was SO cute.  See?:

Anyway, at the restaurant,  I ate my first taco del Pastor (lamb).  It was pretty good :)  Not my favorite actually.  On one of the tacos, I put the "somewhat" spicy avocado sauce.  Let's just say, the edges of my mouth were burning.  Here's a pic:

After that, we all headed to the Noche Mexicana.  Where we watched the dancers and I bought more souvenirs.  The dancers were SUPER good.

After that we went and got some sorbets from the Centro:

Notice my red, white, and blue dress in celebration of the fourth of July :)
 After that, we went ahead and headed home for the night.  And now I am crunching on wintergreen mints and itching my more, peeling legs (it's fun.  Before today, I could say I've never peeled on my legs or ear tips before.  Now I officially can't say that anymore.  But at least they don't hurt anymore!)

'Til Tomorrow.

R J Carr


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