Today I actually got up on time! (Relatively speaking. Okay, so I got up late. But the point is, I got up and made it to school. I even took time to make myself look pretty-er for the press conference we had after school).
Class was somewhat interesting today We talked about Mayan writing in my first class. Then, in our second class, we studied for our exam that we have on Tuesday. (Yay? I'll admit, my brain is not completely on school mode. Hopefully I do well enough on this exam). Luckily, in class today, we got five minute brakes half-way through - thanks to Profe speaking out on our behalf. I bought these yummy treats (and a coke) at some point:
Then, after class, we had to wait around a couple hours for the interview with the press (the other classes didn't end till 1:30, so we didn't have the interview until then). So of course, I bought food (so did my classmates) and worked on my novel. For my snack I bought hot cakes and chiliques (pictured below) from the cafeteria.
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This is chilques (nachos with chicken, sauce, and melted cheese). |
Finally, at 1:30 PM we all gathered together in the conference room (just to leave seconds later to get a group picture, then we returned). It was interesting, the press conference. It was complete with a journalist and a photographer (the camera even had one of those classic flashes. I felt like I was in a movie. #famous). And, I even said something that may show up in the paper! (He wrote my name down and everything. It was funny to watch his reaction to our American names. Well, my name didn't get a reaction, but a couple of the girls did. So funny). I guess we'll see if I show up in the papers.
After the conference, we headed home (everyone but Conner, Christina, and I caught the bus home. That stunk. We had to wait another 20 minutes for it to arrive. I was a little mad at the time. Which is a first for me on this trip). Random note - on the bus ride home, our driver pulled over to get a coke from a vendor (they do that sometimes) and it was shortly after that, when we were at a stop, that I saw a little boy at one of the windows of a house. I waved to him, and he totally waved back. He had such a cute little smile. Totally made my day.
When we got home, we had lunch! This fish (it tasted okay. Not my favorite, but still good):
Shortly after lunch, we were supposed to leave to do a session at four (we got home at 3), but we decided to do one on Saturday instead because we were moving too slow, it was hot, and we were tired. So, we ended up not leaving until around 8 PM (we wanted to catch a show). So during that 4 hour waiting period, I ended up taking a nap and working on my novel (for which I am very excited!) Anyway, at 8ish, we finally left. (Talking about my book and other personal experiences). #friends
We arrive at the centro about 9ish PM. And, as we were walking from the bus towards the centro, we serendipitously ran into our group of friends eating at a sidewalk restaurant (they were the group that went to the temple at 4. Who we were supposed to meet with). So, we joined with their ranks and decided to get ice cream (because no one could remember where the concert was. #epicfail). Which ended up being okay because it poured down rain about 30 minutes later. Here's some pictures!
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Christina and I eating our homemade ice cream. Yes, that is a kiwi slice in the middle of a strawberry popsicle. And yes, that kiwi is real. |
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Another selfie. |
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Raquel and I (some of the girls got DQ, others got ice cream from Colon.. I don't remember the name of the place where we got our ice cream). |
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The shelter we ran to after it started pouring down rain (this is a picture looking out from the shelter). |
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Our group of girls! |
And tomorrow, we are going to Celestun! I so excited! Flamingos!
'Til Tomorrow.
R J Carr
PS We totally had this bee in our class today. Or type of bee wasp thing. Luckily no one got bitten. Cause that would have stunk.
Yes, Yes, Yes!!! No, No, No!!!